Di. 19.11.24 / 18:00 Uhr

Veranstaltungsort: Virtual Tour, Livestream, YouTube
The awareness of one's own finiteness and the question of the meaning of life are themes of human existence that arise again and again both in individual life and in cultural or religious communities. The exhibition "In The Face Of Death" highlights Jewish perspectives on these questions and processes, which have to do with the 'rites des passages' at the end of life and death itself, and thus makes them tangible with new approaches. It also addresses ethical questions that go hand in hand with the distinction between life and death: When does death occur from a medical point of view? Is it justifiable to bring it about prematurely and provide assisted suicide?
The virtual tour takes place live via YouTube. The curators Sara Soussan and Erik Riedel will guide you through the exhibition. LIVESTREAM